A little boy and his father were crossing a bridge. The father, worried about his son's safety, said to his child:
"Dear, hold my hand so you don't fall into the river!"
The boy replied: "No, father. You hold my hand!"
The father, puzzled, asked: "What's the difference?"
The boy answered:
"There's a big difference, dad. If I hold your hand and something happens to me, I might let go of your hand.
But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let go of mine."
Weekend Lesson:
In any relationship, the essence of trust isn't bound by promises but lies in the bond and connection.
Life is like a puzzle—some pieces may fit easily, while others require time and patience. But the most important pieces, like love and trust, must always hold their place, ensuring that the picture remains whole.
So, hold the hand of the person who loves you instead of waiting for them to hold yours... because the right connections, just like the right puzzle pieces, complete the picture of our lives.