Everyone has gone through days when their heart feels heavy
Everyone has gone through days when their heart feels heavy, and they can only stay silent without saying a word.
Some people harbor resentment from those days. Others learn to listen to their own hearts.
Everyone has faced doubts. Some lose faith in life because of them. Others learn to see through people's hearts.
Everyone has witnessed betrayals. Some lose faith in love because of them. Others learn to remain faithful.
Everyone has experienced failures. Some give up. Others become stronger because of them.
Life is like a puzzle—each hardship, each joy, and each lesson is a piece that shapes who we become. Some let the broken pieces define them, while others carefully place them to build a stronger, more beautiful picture.
From the same land and water, some trees carefully grow sharp thorns around themselves, while others produce fragrant flowers for the wind to carry.
In the same life, facing the same upheavals, different hearts create different people.
The difference is not in the pieces life gives us, but in how we choose to arrange them.